Monday, August 20, 2012

The Health Benefits of Laughter

“Laughter is the best medicine.”

This might sound like a really trite saying, but there is a lot of truth to it. Laughing really can be good for your health. Believe it or not, there are several health benefits to laughter that most of us would never think of. While it's obvious that having a sense of humor can take some of the stress out of life, there are several other ways that having a good laugh can help us improve our health.

One thing that laughing can do is relieve pain. In Norman Cousins' memoir Anatomy of an Illness, he speaks of how laughing at episodes of Candid Camera and Marx Brothers movies for ten minutes gave him enough relief to give him two hours of sleep without pain. He has ankylosing spondylitis, a very painful spine condition. My sister has it too, so she can attest to how anything that can give some relief is more than welcome. Laughing helps the body release endorphins, which temporarily relieve pain and give a feeling of general well-being. It also reduces the level of stress hormones, which helps the function of antibodies and T-cells. This boosts the immune system, which goes a long way in preventing un-funny illnesses. At this time of year, some of us need all the help we can get!

Laughing also gives you a whole-body workout. Have you ever noticed that your muscles feel tighter after a good laugh? That's why. It gives a workout to the abdominals, lungs, diaphragm and back muscles. While watching Saturday Night Live won't get you down to a size six, it can work muscles you might not otherwise think of.

It's probably obvious that having a good laugh relieves stress, but this has more mental benefits that we might think. It stimulates neurotransmitters that release dopamine, a chemical that is commonly associated with memory and mood disorders. If you can laugh and get rid of the stress that is getting in the way, you are more able to focus on the things you need to. I don't know about anyone else, but this alone helps me reduce anxiety because I know that I'll be more able to get things done correctly and and relax. If you can laugh at yourself, you will be more able to put things that cause you stress in a different light. That can go a long way in reducing anxiety and other negative emotions.

Finally, laughing can even be good for the heart. It increases oxygenation of the blood and improves blood flow, which makes it easier for the heart to work. It also lowers blood pressure, which also helps the heart work better.
As you can see, making it a point to have a good laugh can go a long way in improving your health. While there's still a lot of research to be done, there's nothing wrong with giving it a try. So you can go ahead and get started, here are a few websites to visit.

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