Thursday, November 15, 2012

Health benefits of having pets

Are you weighing the pros and cons of getting a pet? Some of them are pretty obvious (your kids being happy vs. having to clean up after it), but the benefits of taking in an animal go a little deeper than that. For instance, I'll bet you didn't have 'health benefits' on your list of 'pros'. Believe it or not, you should; I've actually found several ways that having pets can be good for your health. Mostly these are mentally-based benefits, but there are some physical ones too.

  • They are an endless source of entertainment, for both you and your kids. Few things are funnier than watching your cat jump up and attack the peephole in your door-no kidding, I had a cat who did this! Chasing a dog around and teaching it to play fetch is a good way for your kids to keep themselves occupied while getting some exercise and 'outdoor time'. Plus, if your kids are entertaining themselves with the hamster, they aren't bored or fighting with each other! That can give you a bit of time to yourself. It's a win-win.
  • Pets can help relax you. While goldfish might seem boring, watching the interactions of several fish in the same tank can be very peaceful. This is especially true if you have angelfish, pink kissing fish or others that are particularly nice to look at. Also, petting a cat and hearing her purr is a good way to calm down and concentrate.
  • It is a good thing to bond with kids and the rest of your family with. All of the above reasons can also improve your relationships-I know I'm a lot easier to get along with when I'm happy, and my cats are a big part of that!
  • Like I mentioned above, dogs can be great exercise for your kids and yourself. Anyone who's ever had to walk an energetic dog (of whatever size) for any length of time knows that it gives you a workout!
  • Pets give you motivation on those days when you feel like you can't get out of bed. When you have something that needs you for its basic needs, you have to get up and care for them, if for no other reason than getting them to stop poking you in the face with their claws. Yes, Daniel Tiger, I'm talking to you! :)
  • Similar to the above, there's something kind of affirming about having something depend on you. Those of you who have children probably also find this tiring, and I can see that. But, speaking as someone who has no children and has been known to get depressed and not come out of her room for two days straight, knowing you're needed reminds you that you're not alone. Your cat probably sees you more as her 'servants' than her owners, but dogs and animals that live in a cage or tank really do need you.

As you can see, there are several ways having a pet can be good for your health. The mental benefits alone are more than enough to make your new family member worth the effort! If you need help convincing your significant other to get a pet, feel free to show him this article! :) Good luck!

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