Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How Diet Is Used To Manage Type 2 Diabetes

How well you have your diabetes under control is up to a few things in your life that you can manage on your own to ensure you are taking the best care of yourself with this condition. Getting enough exercise and eating well are two main elements for success while managing your condition. Exercise should occur at least a few times per week doing only activities that you can do with a medium level of effort and not overdoing it. Everyone with this ailment should look into how is diet used in the management of type 2 diabetes?

The tiniest of changes can drastically effect your blood sugar which is why it should be very vital for all diabetics to monitor what they eat, take their medications as needed and stay active. When you eat is just as important as what you eat when living with type 2 diabetes. Do not skip meals ever, take snacks to school and to work and always have something to hold you over in the event you will be in a place for more than just a few hours. You can consume meals that contain fats, but it should only be during a rare occasion and into an everyday occurrence as that will have severe consequences. Before you even begin to make the necessary changes to your diet to modify your life to best suit your type 2 diabetes, you must understand that over half of the population that lives with type 2 diabetes is also overweight. If you begin to eat a better diet, you will begin to lose weight and losing even a few pounds will dramatically help you manage your type 2 diabetes. For these specific reasons just decreasing the amount of food you consume on a daily basis by a few calories will greatly help lower your blood sugar which is the key to how is diet in the management of type 2 diabetes. You can work closely with your doctor and also a nutritionist to help guide your specific case in a more detailed direction for overall better health. It is best to stay away from high fat foods, ones that are high in sodium and potassium as they are exactly the enemies of any diabetes condition. Stick with as many fresh fruits, vegetables and meats as you can on a regular basis and trade I all of your whole flour products for whole wheat ones and in no time you will be the right track. Keeping your ailment afloat will increase other daily functions for you as well. Diabetes can be very serious, and all of the correct precautions should be taken to cover every base and live a long and healthy life.


  1. Type 2 diabetes is the kind that can be self induced right? Due to a very poor diet, high in sugars, etc. Or can that kind be genetic also?

  2. This is something I found on this website:

    Hope it answers your questions, to me it was very informative.

    "For type II diabetics, insulin is not unavailable, but only inaccessible. The pancreas often produces adequate to excessive levels of insulin.(10) Even though the levels of both glucose and insulin are high, the glucose is unable to enter the cell because of interference. A closer look reveals that insulin can be paralyzed by two factors—obesity or high fat content in the diet. Though surrounded by plenty of glucose, cells continue to starve because insulin is inactivated. Consumption of the typical American diet hinders not only natural, but also injected, insulin.(11) Symptoms of adult diabetes may include any of those experienced by type I diabetics, as well as recurrent infections (especially skin, gum, or bladder infections), numbness in the hands or feet, and retarded healing when bruised or cut.(12) Elevated sugar levels in both the urine and the blood reveal the presence of this disease."

  3. Diet is absolutely essential when it comes to type 2 diabetes. A fast way to let it get out of control and become fatal is to not eat what you are supposed to.

  4. Krinsky, thanks for expounding on that part, that was a question of mine too when I was reading this post.
